
The best business books in the world
Ultra-compact summaries: 2 pages per book
Capturing the complete essence per book
52 times during 1 year: weekly wisdom in your mail
In one year you’ve read a world library!
Ultra-compact top summaries of the best books.
Every week the essence of a masterpiece in your mail.
Business books. The list of classics you should have read keeps growing. But who has the time, and why do they have to be so hefty? I’ve stripped the best books in the world all the way down to the essence for you, in 2 pages per book. The complete essence in less than 1% of the original!
A selection of 52 books that you receive every week, so you can master a true world library in just 1 year. All major titles are covered, such as From Good to Great, The 7 Habits, The 4 Hour Workweek, Influence, and even the classics like Capital and Wealth of Nations.
The ultra-compact summary gives you the core of the work in 10 till 15 minutes. The core value in a fraction of the burden in terms of time and money. For a year, every week!
“Those summaries are really good; you should sell them for 5 bucks a piece.”
“Ideal. Away with all the fluff, repetition, authors’ ego-exposure, and cherry-picked examples. Ironically, this way, the core gets much clearer than via the author himself!”
“The summaries are super; easy to read, interesting and it makes me think every week ;)”
Learn the essence of a.o.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Covey
Getting Things Done – Allen
The Lean Startup – Ries
Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Kiyosaki
The Long Tail – Anderson
…. and 47 other top books!
- Getting Things Done – David Allen
- 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management – Kevin Kruse
- Theory of Constraints – Eli Goldratt
- A Beautiful Constraint – Morgan/Barden
- The Slight Edge – Olson
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki
- Richest Man of Babylon – Clason
- The Millionaire Fastlane – DeMarco
- The 4 hour work week – Tim Ferris
- I am a strange loop – Douglas R. Hofstadter
- Mindset – Carol Dweck
- Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill
- Theory U – Otto Scharmer
- The 7+1 Habits of Highly Effective people
- Emotional Intelligence – Daniel Goleman
- The subtle art of not giving a fuck – Mark Manson
- Influence – Cialdini
- Nudge – Thaler & Sunstein
- Never Split the Difference – Voss
- How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie
- Predictably Irrational – Dan Ariely
- Il Principe – Machiavelli
- The 48 laws of power – Robert Greene
- Turn the ship around – L. David Marquet
- Six Thinking Hats – Edward de Bono
- The five dysfunctions of a team – Patrick Lencioni
- The Fifth Discipline – Peter Senge
- The E-myth Revisited – Michael Gerber
- The Lean Startup – Eric Ries
- Bussiness Model Generation – A. Osterwalder & Y. Pigneur
- Start With Why – Simon Sinek
- Blue Ocean Strategy – W. Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne
- Purple Cow – Seth Godin
- Zero to One – Peter Thiel
- The Long Tail – Chris Anderson
- Das Kapital – Karl Marx
- Capitalism and Freedom – Milton Friedman
- Wealth of Nations – Adam Smith
- A short history of financial euphoria
- Cultures and Organizations + Riding the Waves of Culture
- The Business Scorecard and Strategy Maps – Kaplan & Norton
- Competitive advantage – Michael Porter
- Good to great – Jim Collins
- Management – Peter Drucker
- The innovator’s dilemma – Clayton Christensen
- The company – Machiel Emmering
- The Rockefeller Habits – Verne Harnish
- Crossing the chasm – Geoffrey Moore
- Holacracy – Bernard M. Chiquet
- The heart of enterprise – Stafford Beer
- The principles of scientific management – Frederick Taylor
- Structures in Fives – Henry Mintzberg

Book summaries

The best business books
The core in 2 pdf-pages
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