Mindset: the ONE switch to improve everything

Mindset: the ONE switch to improve everything

Carol Dweck wrote an interesting book about people having a “fixed” versus a “growth” mindset. “Fixed” hinges on the idea that things in life (people, capabilities, possibilities) are more or less fixed; “growth” on the idea that everything can...
The eight elements of complete marketing

The eight elements of complete marketing

Strategic marketing is choosing to offer particular products for particular markets. Tactical marketing is the extremely broad field of making you and your offerings attractive to (possible) clients. How to summarize such a rich domain, in a way that gives you a kind...
Leadership… do you have it in you?

Leadership… do you have it in you?

Leadership … do you have it in you? Leadership. We tend to be intrigued by it, whatever the form of power behind it is. But what is a leader? It is not a formal position or role in an organization (like ‘product manager’). It can basically be anyone, who steps...
Bottom line improvement: more FUN in your work

Bottom line improvement: more FUN in your work

Work is not always fun. There, I said it. For many people, up to more than half of all their time at work is not fun (or worse). In a whole career, that adds up to at least two decades of full-time not fun! Not a pretty sight, such neglect of such a potential to enjoy...

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