by Machiel | Oct 14, 2020 | Nederlands, Theory
S-curve De S-curve is een grafiek die een algemeen groeipatroon weergeeft. Technisch heet dit verloop logistische groei. Het patroon werd oorspronkelijk blootgelegd in populatiebiologie, maar het is een bijna universeel patroon, minstens zo flexibel als de bekende...
by Machiel | Oct 7, 2020 | Nederlands, Theory
Managers en leiders hebben een bepaalde macht. Maar waar zit ‘m dat nou in? French en Raven kwamen in 1959 met een categorisering van macht die nog altijd heel treffend is (laatste twee licht aangepast). Verschillende vormen van macht 1. Legitieme macht...
by Machiel | Sep 9, 2020 | All, English, Theory
This long-form article sets out what running any business is all about in terms of 8 key domains, and the connections between them. Thereby you’ll have insight in the core of all the business administration programs in the world. And in what you, as a manager, may get...
by Machiel | Sep 8, 2020 | Nederlands, Theory, Uncategorized
MBA in 1 artikel De essentie van een complete MBA in 1 artikel, kan dat? Ja, dat kan! Lees hier waar bedrijfsvoering in z’n geheel uit bestaat, en de verbanden tussen de gebieden. Zo krijg je inzicht in de kern van iedere bedrijfskundeopleiding ter wereld. En in waar...
by Machiel | Aug 4, 2020 | All, Nederlands, Theory
MBTI MBTI is de “Myers-Briggs Type Indicator”, een persoonlijkheidstypologie van (dochter) Myers en (haar moeder) Briggs, voortbouwend op de psycholoog Jung. Veel mensen oordelen dat hun MBTI zo raak is, dat de persoonlijkheidsbeschrijvingen bijna...
by Machiel | Jul 28, 2020 | All, English, Theory
You want to invest (to start up, expand, replace, etc), but you don’t know yet where the money should come from. Make use of these nine sources. 1. Free up your own money. Take money from your bank, break open your piggy bank, sell your car or something else (you can...
by Machiel | Jul 28, 2020 | All, Nederlands, Theory
Je hebt een investeringsbehoefte (om op te starten, uit te breiden, zaken te vervangen, etc), maar weet nog niet goed waar het geld vandaan moet komen. Benut deze negen bronnen. 1. Eigen geld vrijmaken. Haal geld van je bank, breek je spaarpot open, verkoop je auto of...
by Machiel | Jul 22, 2020 | All, English, Theory
So you want to be a leader. How to become one? First, you need to know what leadership skills you need. As for a first step, a classic model of Katz states that you must be competent in three areas: Technical: professional knowledge, thorough knowledge of products and...
by Machiel | Jul 20, 2020 | All, Nederlands, Theory
Je wilt een leider zijn. Hoe word je dat? Als eerste moet je weten welke vaardigheden je voor goed leiderschap moet hebben. Een eerste aanzet, een klassiek model van Katz, stelt dat je dan op deze gebieden sterk moet zijn: Technisch: vakkennis, gedegen kennis van...
by Machiel | Apr 12, 2017 | All, English, Theory
Leadership kind of people are the busy type. A million things to mind. Yet these can be quite easily clustered – Quinn offers a handy framework that revolves around two axes: [1] you have to attend to things inside and outside the organization, and [2] some things...
by Machiel | Mar 29, 2017 | All, English, Theory
A work place, be it a garage, your computer, desk, or kitchen, can get quite messy. Within the extensive domain of Lean Production, there is a logical set of simple principles to keep it all in order: 5S. Originally, the S’s in 5S are Japanese names. But...
by Machiel | Feb 15, 2017 | All, English, Theory
Everybody in business tries to be attractive to the market. That means that people need to see a certain VALUE in your proposition. A famous model by Treacy & Wiersema highlights the three default “types” of value (value propositions) that you can...
by Machiel | Feb 2, 2017 | All, English, Theory
Everybody has heard of the 20-80 rule. Also known as the Pareto principle (which is a statistical cumulative distribution, but don’t let that bother you). What were the basics again, and what is interesting to know about it? Say you have 10 products (x-axis), yielding...
by Machiel | Jan 13, 2017 | All, English, Theory
You have seen various leadership styles around you. The four prototypical styles are: 1. Directive, 2. Coaching, 3. Supportive, 4. Delegating. Many people will see themselves as “being” one of the four. They identify with one of the styles, as in “I...
by Machiel | Jan 6, 2017 | All, English, Theory
Business entails a lot to attend to. How does all of that relate? How to keep track of everything? My MBA framework for the training course SpeedMBA sets out a complete “business blueprint”. For those who like a bit more words to a graph, I’ll...
by Machiel | Nov 25, 2016 | All, English, Theory
Leadership … do you have it in you? Leadership. We tend to be intrigued by it, whatever the form of power behind it is. But what is a leader? It is not a formal position or role in an organization (like ‘product manager’). It can basically be anyone, who steps...
by Machiel | Nov 4, 2016 | All, English, Theory
KAIZEN is not some weird branch of Kung Fu, but the Japanese “philosophy” and practice of incremental improvement. Before explaining the conditions and the strengths of Kaizen, and before giving you a practical, fun and rewarding challenge, let’s lay...
by Machiel | Oct 27, 2016 | All, English, Theory
Know your enemy is a famous piece of Sun Tzu’s advice in The Art of War. In business, competition is usually seen as the enemy. And especially in business there are four extremely good reasons to know your competitors in some depth. Why? Because working on these...
by Machiel | Oct 4, 2016 | All, English, Theory
Power: which of the 5 types? Do you have power? How so? And what power do you have to deal with? Power has always been a powerful theme in human interest: intriguing, disgusting, and appealing to the various many. French & Raven have pinpointed the grounds of...
by Machiel | Sep 20, 2016 | All, English, Theory
MBTI: pinpoint your personality in just 4 questions MBTI is the “Myers-Briggs Type Indicator“, a personality typology by (daughter) Myers and (her mother) Briggs, building forth on psychologist Jung. Many people judge that MBTI is so spot-on, that the personality...
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